Three Kung-Fu Movies To Look Forward To In 2018

Ip ManHappy new year, my fellow martial artists! 2017 was, admittedly, relatively uneventful – we didn’t really get all that many memorable kung-fu flicks, in either Hollywood or the East. Oh, sure, there were some really decent ones, like “Paradox” (also known as “Chinese Taken”), but none that I personally feel were worth talking about. Thankfully, from what I’m seeing, 2018 seems like it’s going to more than make up for its lackluster little sister by providing us with a whole bunch of REALLY cool kung-fu movies, from sequels to beloved franchises to brand new Eastern productions that look absolutely stunning!

First, and for me, foremost, is “Ip Man 4”. Donnie Yen’s semi-biographical series centered on Bruce Lee’s master, has been a huge inspiration for me and for many other kung-fu fanatics, and continues to be universally beloved and recognized to this day. Unfortunately, after the third installment came out in 2015, Donnie Yen announced that he was done with the role and was willing to let the series go. Fans were distraught, but luckily for us, Yen himself announced that he and director Wilson Yip will be back for a fourth part, set to come out this year! And if that wasn’t enough, Max Zhang from “Ip Man 3” is getting his own spinoff movie as well in 2018! Is this officially the start of the Ip Man Cinematic Universe? One can only hope!

Next on the list is another sequel to a VERY beloved franchise, this time coming from Hollywood – “Shanghai Dawn” is the third movie in the one and only Jackie Chan’s “Shanghai” trilogy, which started with “Shanghai Noon” and continued with the excellent “Shanghai Knights”. The movie entered development back in 2015, when all principle cast members from the previous two films were announced as returning. The director will be Jared Hess, most known for the 2004 hit “Napoleon Dynamite”. While most of his movies haven’t really caught on like “Dynamite” did, Hess has a knack for writing quirky, memorable characters, and I have no doubt that “Shanghai Dawn” will be among his very best work! Who knows, with a little bit of luck it might even surpass the popularity of “Napoleon Dynamite”!

Now, there’s a TON of original movies that are going to be coming out this year, most of which will, naturally, be from China. Some look fun, others are fairly standard for the genre, but there’s one that absolutely caught my eye and I can’t wait to see – Xu Haofeng’s “The Hidden Sword”. Now, technically this flick came out last year in China, but it’ll be released globally in 2018, which is why I’m counting it. And besides, it’s a martial arts movie centered around sword fighting, with some downright beautiful choreography and cinematography… Not to mention, it’s set in the 1930s, which is a very unique era for these types of movies. Needless to say, I can’t wait to see it, and so should you!

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