Monthly Archives : March 2016

My Own Kung-Fu Movie

reelImagine, please, the following scenario – tomorrow, a Hollywood executive comes knocking on my door and says “Hey, we’ve read your site, it’s pretty great, and now we want you to write and direct your own kung-fu movie, which I’ll produce. What do you have to pitch me?” I know, I know, it’s pretty hard to believe, but bear with me here for the sake of argument, okay? I’d need to come up with a movie that’s thrilling, exciting, fresh and new while also paying homage to both classic kung-fu tropes and modern staples of cinema. What kind of movie would I come up with?

I believe that the story should star someone who actually doesn’t know kung-fu at the beginning of the movie. Some of the best kung-fu movies star protagonists who go on to learn it later, so I’m thinking that the protagonist should start off being completely ordinary, but learn how to fight later, like in “The Matrix”. That protagonist isn’t entirely ordinary, though. Let’s make them female, a young woman in her early 20s. She suffers from autism, which leaves her being very socially inept, but also allows her brain to process information related to her niche a lot better, and that niche is patterns. She’s excellent at figuring out patterns, and has actually made a bit of a career for herself by managing to find exploits in online casinos. Her days are always the same – she visits sites listing the best UK online slots (since she’s British – British accents are cool), discovers some new online slot with a huge jackpot and then exploits its patterns in order to win it.

Well, all goes well for a while, until one day she receives a phone call. Being rather socially awkward, the woman decides not to pick up, and instead lets it go to voicemail. The message left is simple – “Get out of there NOW, people are coming to kidnap you”. Scared and confused, the woman tries to call the police, but before she can do anything men dressed in black SWAT uniforms step in and attempt to take her. Luckily, a man in casual clothes bursts through the door and manages to fight off the kidnappers using both kung-fu moves and the various items in the room. As it turns out, the people who have employed the SWAT team have discovered an ancient computer-like device with an unbreakable code. Their plan is to kidnap the woman and use her pattern recognition abilities to attempt to crack it open (as traditional hacking wouldn’t work at all), but if that happens they’ll gain control of whatever information there is inside.

Once rescued, the woman is told by the man that she has a choice – she can either let him kill her so that the men in black can’t get her, or she can come with him, learn how to defend herself and ensure that she’d never be taken. And thus starts their adventure – while being hunted, the two of them must ensure that the woman is properly trained (with the help of an old Asian sensei, of course) and, if possible, they must also steal the computer and attempt to open it themselves. Now, keep in mind that in most kung-fu movies the person with the better technique and better reflexes would win every time, but not here! Due to the woman’s ability to perceive patterns a lot better than others, she’d be able to use that to turn the tide in her favor… as long as she survives for long enough to even see a pattern, of course. While in online slots she can take all the time in the world, here she has to think on her feet, and considering her mental condition she wouldn’t always be able to do that. Overall, I think the result would be pretty interesting – I, for one, would love to see a movie like this! And you?

I Love “The Room” And You Should Too

the roomFor the last 13 years, every year without fail, in numerous cities across the world, a movie is screened in theaters both professional and crafted by fans with a projector and a sheet of white cloth. Hundreds of thousands of people across the world gather and experience this absolute work of cinematic art, chanting the dialogue, cheering when characters and plot points are introduced and having the time of their life. So, what movie could have inspired a culture with such a following? It’s certainly not any of the classics, and not even “Star Wars” and “Lord of the Rings” fans are that rabid! No, the movie that everyone’s clamoring for is a little indie masterpiece known as “The Room”, often called by many “the worst movie ever made”.

Just so you know, I wholeheartedly disagree with that title – I can think of at least half a dozen movies which are way worse, such as “Birdemic”, “Manos: The Hands of Fate” or (brrr…) “The Hottie and the Nottie”. But “The Room” is definitely the best in the “so bad it’s good” genre, and I’ll tell you all about it. The story revolves around a man named Tommy Wiseau, who, despite being in college, definitely looks like he’s in his late 40s or early 50s. He has a completely indiscernible accent (is it French? Macedonian? Russian? Alien?) and has little to no understanding about how human interactions actually work. What he does have, though, is a bank account literally described as a “bottomless pit” and the dream to create the best movie ever made. He recruits his best friend, Greg Sestero, to be his line producer – even though Sestero has little idea about what a line producer is supposed to do – and together the two of them embark on a quest to realize Tommy’s vision exactly as he wants it to!

Oh, no, that’s not what the movie’s about. It’s the real story of how it was created. I’m not even kidding.

The plot of the movie revolves around a wealthy, good-hearted banker named Johnny (played by Wiseau) who has been engaged to his fiancée Lisa for over five years/seven years/whatever number the actor remembers at that particular moment. One day, out of nowhere, Lisa decides that she no longer loves Johnny and cheats on him with his best friend Mark (played, you guessed it, by Sestero). When he’s first invited in, Mark is so clueless about what’s going on that he asks Lisa about what she’s trying to achieve with the candles, the music and her sexy dress despite the fact that none of those are present in the scene. Of course, that doesn’t deter Lisa, who proceeds to sleep with Mark. Everything and anything that happens between that scene and the finale of the movie is entirely inconsequential to the plot, but it includes, in no particular order, a drug dealer threatening a kid and repeatedly asking for his money despite being assured that it’ll be there in a few minutes, Johnny buying flowers for Lisa in a scene so fast-paced that it’d make Kingsman’s church scene say “Slow down, dude”, Lisa’s mother announcing that she has breast cancer only to be completely dismissed, and a completely unknown couple breaking into Johnny’s apartment in order to have sex. It is insane, in the best possible way.

But not only does the script and dialogue make literally no sense, but the acting is absolutely dreadful. None of the actors hired for the movie make any sort of effort… Well, except for Tommy, of course, but effort doesn’t always translate into quality. You might have seen the infamous “You’re Tearing Me Apart, Lisa” scene already, considering its memetic status – that’s pretty much the level of acting in this movie. And it is amazing! Lots of movies have bad acting. The aforementioned “Birdemic” has some really, really, really bad actors, to the point where a kindergarten nativity scene has better acting than this. “The Happening” has normally great actors, such as Mark Wahlberg, reduced to blubbering idiots who can’t even say two words convincingly. But no acting is so hilariously over the top as that of “The Room”. It’s truly a sight to behold! Even if you know literally nothing about the equally crazy story of how this movie was made, just watching it is an experience in and of itself! So, without spoiling any more, all I can say is go ahead, gather a few friends, grab some beers and give the most enjoyably bad movie of all time a watch!

“Game Of Death” – The Best Kung-Fu Movie You’ve Never Seen

karateWe all know Bruce Lee – he’s by far the single most influential martial arts actor of all time despite completing only a handful of movies. More modern actors, such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li, cite him as a major influence (which is quite obvious in their performances), and his untimely death in 1973 spurred a tidal wave of imitators – literally. Movies starring Bruce Li, Bryce Lee, Bruuce Lee and other actors using any variation of his name swept the market, none of which were any good. Still, the public consumed them without question – that’s how starved for Bruce Lee they all were! Hmm, if only there was a movie Bruce Lee himself started, but never finished… If only that movie contained some of his best fight scenes ever, which could be padded with awkward editing to pretend that Bruce Lee is in it… Oh wait!

Enter “Game of Death”, which is both the best and worst Bruce Lee movie, depending on how you look at it. As I stated earlier, Bruce Lee really wanted to write, direct, produce and star in this movie, but had to postpone in it order to do “Enter the Dragon”, the movie that made him famous worldwide. His tragic death happened not long afterwards, so he sadly never got the chance to bring his greatest, most ambitious project to life. Enter director Robert Clouse, who decided to use stock footage and body doubles in order to complete the footage that Lee had already shot. The result is… Well, a mixed bag, but I’m getting to that.

The first half of the movie (well, a bit more than half, but whatever) is an absolute disgrace. And I’m not saying that it’s bad in the way that “The Room” is bad, in which you can see that there’s effort, but no skill. No, this is just insulting. The plot makes no sense – “Bruce Lee” (I’m placing quotation marks around his name because it’s not really Lee for the majority of the film) plays an actor who’s the best martial artist around. Hilarious(ly insulting) measures have been taken to convince the audience that this is really Lee, such as superimposing his face over another actor’s. It’s pathetic. Anyway, some sort of criminal syndicate consisting of the other best martial artists tries to convince him to join them, but he refuses. As a result, they try to assassinate him by shooting him in the face, conveniently explaining why the actor in the latter half looks different from the one in the former half.

As a result of the assassination attempt, the actor decides to fake his death. And just to make sure that Lee is properly rolling around in his grave, they show actual footage of his funeral, including shots of him in his dead body in his coffin. It’s absolutely disgusting. Thankfully, that’s about where the movie starts to get really good. The syndicate finds out the actor is alive, so they kidnap his fiancée and take her to a… restaurant or something? I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they have all their people there, each proficient in a different fighting style, and each placed on a different floor.

In case you decided to skip the above paragraphs in order to ignore the stupid, allow me to reiterate – Bruce Lee fights a different martial artist on each floor of a building, and it is GLORIOUS! This is the part where the pre-recorded footage comes into play, and it’s by far the single best half hour you can POSSIBLY have if you want to have a good time with a kung-fu movie! It is AMAZING, especially in contrast with the crap that was fed to us earlier. You really have to see it to believe it. Lee not only perfects the classic formula – he surpasses it. For example, he fights a character played by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the basketball player. Why is that notable, you ask? Well, because he’s over 7 feet tall, that’s why! It’s brilliant!

Well, I guess you could just try to find all the fight scenes on YouTube or something, but where’s the fun in that? “Game of Death”, for better or for worse, comes in a complete package. So if you want to have a night of “so bad it’s good” followed immediately by “so good it’s good”, there’s literally nothing else you can get to fare better! Despite its numerous shortcomings, the good parts of “Game of Death” are so good that they singlehandedly make it one of the best kung-fu movies ever made!

Welcome to Kung-Fu Cinema

ninja“We’re all movie lovers here. I love movies. You love movies”
“How do you know I love movies?” said the reader.
“You must be,” said the writer, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

Hello, my dear reader, and welcome to the movie Wonderland, also known as Kung-Fu Cinema! Don’t let the title deceive you – we’re not just going to be talking about kung-fu movies! While they’re a bit of a passion for me, in all honesty, I primarily picked the name because it sounded pretty badass. I mean, come on, the sheer fact that you’re here reading this right now means that it worked! After all, if you had the choice between clicking on a site that says “Kung-Fu Cinema” and one that said “A Twenty-Something Year Old Talking about Movies And Stuff”, you most likely would’ve clicked the former (or the latter out of morbid curiosity, but not of actual desire to see what I had to say). So, since the domain “Kung-Fu Cinema” was available, catchy and relevant, I decided to go with that. Don’t lie, you would’ve done the exact same thing!

So… Let’s talk a bit about what you care about, namely, movies! On this site I’m going to be posting reviews and news, just like any other movie site, but that’s not going to be the main focus of it. I didn’t create a site slash blog slash thoughts storage unit just to be like everyone else. No, what I’m going to be focusing on the most in the following weeks, months and hopefully years is going to be the so-called Showcases. In Showcases, I’m going to be – you guessed it – showcasing a different movie, or genre, or something of the sort. It could be an obscure kung-fu movie of the 70s, or it could be a very popular movie that I wish to examine in a closer light. It could be anything related to movies, really! When I put it like that, I retain the right to do whatever I like with the column, and you retain the right to be surprised! See, it all worked out just fine!

So, to recap – hi, my name is Admin of Kung-Fu Cinema and I love movies! I shall be writing random, yet still movie-centered articles for a while now, so please make sure to bookmark my site/blog/thingamajing and keep checking it often, because you never know when something is going to pop up into that magnificent, beautiful mind of mine! For now, I bid you adieu, but worry not – you’ll see me again very soon… if you haven’t already seen me! Remember – the best is always yet to come, especially in an ever-changing medium such as movies!